I recently came across a photo-tour someone is offering. Five of the most crowded places in all of Italy, all in 8 days. UGHHHH!
Well-meaning photo tour companies schedule too many places in too little time and too far apart. Inevitably guests don’t truly experience any of the locations. You arrive, take the prescribed photos, and it’s time to leave.
Twenty years of photo workshops in Italy have taught me that when we slow down and spend an entire week or two in a single region, the experience becomes entirely different. The photographs become different too. Rather than a collection of sunsets like everyone else’s, our guests find insights into the culture. They put images up on screen that show a real connection and sense of place.
More time to breath, to meet people, to sip beverages in a sidewalk cafe. Less time checking in and out of hotels and sitting on buses. Slowing down, we accomplish much much more.